
Surviving the Holiday Crunch

The holidays are supposed to be a wonderful time for you and your family, though sometimes the stresses leading up to the holidays make it seem like quite the opposite. Remember that even in poor economic times, there are ways to enjoy yourself...

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Holiday Dieting Tips – How to Have Fun and Stay Healthy

The holidays are a special time for all, and you should take the time to indulge yourself. However, at the same time, you should keep your health in mind because it's easy to be tempted into going overboard. It all starts with Halloween and...

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Zinc One Of The Best Supplements To Fight Cold And Flu

When cold and flu season starts to come around, people begin to scramble left and right to find ways to protect themselves from these illnesses. Everyone has been forced to deal with the coughing, sore throat, sneezing, and aches that come from...

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Your Favorite Foods May Be Raising Your Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a fat that is found in the blood of all animals and is essential to the production of hormones and the proper functioning of human cell membranes. Our bodies already produce healthy amounts of cholesterol, so it is unnecessary to...

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Signs You Need to Improve Your Digestion

When you ate breakfast or lunch today, how did your stomach feel afterward? Would you consider yourself to be someone with a strong stomach? Are you prone to stomach aches, gas, bloating, and heartburn? If any of these questions seem familiar...

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Two Foods to Avoid if You Have Digestion Problems

Gluten Gluten is a type of protein that is found in a variety of different grains. Many people think about of as gluten, but it can also be found in rye, oats, and barley. The gluten protein is made up of other proteins, including glutenin...

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